$69 (limited to US)



Required: PinguBit, ZebraBit

Difficulty level:

Easy assembly and perfect for new builders

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BatBit just loves Halloween, when kids aren’t afraid of his spooky demeanor! 🎃🦇👻

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Your Next Challanges


Get ready to step back in time and encounter one of the largest and most fearsome carnivorous dinosaurs that ever roamed the Earth.

Required: T-RexBit

Difficulty level:

Professional builders with sharply developed motor skills

Earn 500 tokens


Cleverly combine two kits to create SpookyBit, PumpkinBit or BoneBit and go on a scary journey far away galaxies.

Required: FormulaBit, SpiderBit

Difficulty level:

slightly more demanding than beginners level, but it is still good for beginners

Earn 500 tokens


Take the doggy out to play! PuppyBit is the adorable canine sidekick and robot’s loyal best friend.

Required: PuppyBit

Difficulty level:

Easy assembly and perfect for new builders

Earn 100 tokens


With a pinch of imagination and creativity, you can take MonkeyBit and reach the trees.

Required: MonkeyBit

Difficulty level:

slightly more demanding than beginners level, but it is still good for beginners

Earn 200 tokens


Go with PinguBit to an imaginary adventure, with giant glaciers, icy mountains and lots of frozen fun

Required: PinguBit

Difficulty level:

Easy assembly and perfect for new builders

Earn 100 tokens


Meet BabaBit, the insightful fixer robot who is a hands-on problem-solver. Featuring an assortment of colorful nuts, bolts and shapely parts

Required: BabaBit

Difficulty level:

slightly more demanding than beginners level, but it is still good for beginners

Earn 200 tokens

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